
Devil’s Food Sandwich Cookies

These cookies are too happy to feel sad, or at least they’ll distract you for a minute if you are sad. I think that you need them in your life because when rainbow sprinkles are involved, life is good And you only need 3 ingredients for the cookies themselves. They are low maintenance cookies for sure. These guys would never make you bring the car up to the door to pick them up. They’re just chill…

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Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip Cookies

Have you ever been crabby for 4 days in a row?  Just when I thought I was going to be crabby forever these cookies made their way into my life. They are amazing. There is just enough peanut butter to make you remember why life is ok, and everyone knows that cookies that involve both chocolate and oatmeal are amazing. One bite of these and you will turn into an annoying ray of sunshine. Oatmeal…

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