
Cardamom Orange Palmiers

These cookies are a breeze, and they look like a swirly-twirly “B”. I brought these into work and some people said they tasted like elephant ears (the tasty carni’ food). And others said they tasted like Trix cereal. Don’t bother telling that rabbit. I don’t want to be hassled my whole life. Either way, I want to snack on them for life. Cardamom and orange are best friends. These cookies just further prove it! You…

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Lemon Crinkle Cookies + Blackberry Icing

The pink swirls remind me of cursive “l”s, ruffles, and Elvis bangs. The truth is, at first, I put zig zags on top of these cookies and it wasn’t as lovely. I made these at night. That’s why there isn’t a photo of the dough being sampled and the powdered sugar being powdery. I did take this photo of the icing being all artsy-like on a beater, though. And did you know that this frosting is…

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Christmas 2010 – A Recap

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! We kept it real with the following traditions. We wore festive outfits and drank mimosas. We had a big tasty breakfast. This year we had chocolate chip pancakes topped with fresh whipped cream. (That’s my new big whisk down there!) I took a picture of Elliot through my chocolate-covered gingerbread men spatula. He thought that was pretty fun. We sipped mimosas all day while sitting on the…

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Christmas Cookies: My Top Six

Chocolate Crinkles – These cookies look hip in wrinkled outfits. They are amazingly fudgy and chocolatey and are a hit despite their lack of ironing. Cream Wafers – I look forward to these every year. Just go ahead and make a double batch, already. There’s only 4 ingredients in the cookie, just sayin’. Mini Black and White Cookies – I love these cookies. They are cakey and tasty and fashionable. They totally stand out in…

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