
Vanilla Bean Funfetti Cake

I just don’t know what to say these days! Ask me where to get lunch and I feel like I have no idea what people eat. (Fajitas!?) Ask me what I had for dinner and I might’ve forgotten to eat and will have to get emergency fro-yo after yoga. Ask me where I’m headed on a walk, and I don’t know, but Elliot does. (I let him choose the way, always.) But ask me what…

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Workin' It

Workin’ It: Summer Cocktails

It’s summer time so it’s prime time for backyard drinking. (I know this especially well after this weekend. Moscow Mules, FTW!) So here are five cocktail recipes to keep your weekends boozy and your mornings bagel-y. You see, I was lucky enough to work with Metro Detroit Bride on this cocktail shoot. Consider them all sampled by me. P.S. Cindy and I made a similar champagne and coulis cocktail for our picnic party last year. Featured booze: L. Mawby…

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Mocha Ice Pops

I tried to do laundry on Tuesday, but I ate sliders and listened to records instead. I tried to help Elliot not hear fireworks by blaring music, but he couldn’t ignore them no matter how loudly I blared Otis Redding’s romance tunes. I tried out a new dance move in front of the mirror, but it looked way cooler in my head, and now I think I should probably keep dancing to myself, in my…

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I went to San Francisco! (Again!)

You guys! I went to San Francisco earlier this month to hang with my BFF and work a few days in the SF-based office for the agency I work at. (Is that sentence weird?! You get the idea, right?) Basically, I figured that I’d do a long vacation with a few workdays mixed up in there.  I was pretty excited to get a direct flight landing me there just in time for brunch. We went to…

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Chickpea Sliders with Whipped Feta and Cucumber Slaw

I’m feeling pretty happy about some stuff. For example, I forgot how much I love the song Breaking Up is Hard to Do. It reminds me of my childhood, and it makes me dance… probably a little bit too 80’s + Charlie Brown. (Sorry, downstairs neighor!) And it’s summer, guys! Even though it’s a scorcher in my apartment and it’s kinda too hot to make pizza and feel ok about it.*  And I’m really happy it’s burger…

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Strawberry Sconecake + a Driscoll’s Berry Giveaway

– Contest Closed – My favorite summer-time memory, growing up, was when my mom would make strawberry shortcake for dinner. She would make it cake-style. She’d bake up a giant round biscuit and slice it down the center. She’d fill it with juicy strawberries and whipped cream. We’d each get a giant slice served up in a bowl for dinner! This might be a giant reason why I love this dessert so much, ya know?…

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Cinnamon Spice T-rex Cookies

Sometimes I get the coolest vintage cookie cutters around the same time I’m introduced to T-Rex. So this totally turned into the perfect time to transform dinosaur cookie cutters into song references, ya know? Talk bubbles, dinosaurs, and flowers. No big deal. I should’ve been listening to T-Rex sooner, but ya know, we can’t live life by what we should’ve done. Like yesterday I took two of the wrong trains to get back to my friends’ house. (I’m visiting…

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Make It Mini // Lunchbox Polenta Quiche (gluten-free)

Sometimes I think of life in a between-haircuts way. Like, ok, I just got my hair cut shorter and I don’t have to go back until August or September. What will be happening then?! How will things be? Will I still be painting hearts on my nails? Probably. Will I have a better lunch appetite? Will I still be wearing floral leggings like twice a week and drinking 24 oz. beers on patios and stress-texting…

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Beet Brioche Burger Buns

These buns are a burger clue. And for those of you who are anti-beet you’ll be all, “Thank god you can’t taste those earthy fuschia jerks.” Mostly (2nd clue alert) I needed a bright bun for a khaki burger to come. I know I’m not selling this future burger, but beware… it’s been called the Lady Gaga of burgers. It’s a punch in the face with flavor. It’s good. So… get ready for it later this…

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sometimes + this and that (the sequel)

Sometimes I infused a BUNCH of vodka with fruit, like nectarine/raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, and strawberry. Sometimes I have one of each flavor in a row in a Moscow Mule with a splash of St. Germaine and life is forever different. And finally Shiner Ruby Redbird is here with summer. P.S. DENIM FOREVER. Sometimes all I want is to hang out in your backyard. Let’s just trade sunglasses and try to eat kabobs and mostly talk about…

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