
One Big Cookie

We get to have two Sundays this weekend! I think it’s great! I plan on wearing overall shorts, sitting in the sun, and drinking Moscow Mules. I might watch the Twin Peaks movie, or take a nap, or eat pizza, or go to a concert. I’m going to let the day surprise me. And I’m glad that I have some of this giant cookie left on a day like this! You see I whipped up…

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Cinnamini Rolls

You guys. I totally took cooler pictures of these and then deleted them off my camera like a real amateur. BUT let me tell you about them. I’ll paint word pictures. So for these guys, I simply halved my mom’s cinnamon roll recipe. And then I divided that dough in half again to make 2 dozen mini cinnamon rolls (a dozen for each half). I’m just going to say that I couldn’t have done that…

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Roasted Strawberry Ice Pops

The other day I popped into the zombie grocery store (if you went there you’d totally understand) and bought 2 lbs of strawberries because they were somehow $4? And (real talk) I’ve been the worst at letting fruit go bad lately. Herbs get wrankled and black in my tundra-fridge and I’ve been losing cheese in the back and forgetting about heavy cream. So, I had to get my life together and use up these berries…

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Neapolitan Cake

Yesterday I took Elliot to get ice cream because he turned 9 this week! And I’m not the kind of lady to let a fella eat ice cream alone… even though I had a piece of this cake earlier in the day. You see, it’s someone’s birthday somewhere, so why not have cake and ice cream in one day! Even if there are a few hours in between, right? My mom visited last weekend! We…

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Vanilla Bean Lemon Bars

Once, my friend Jessica brought me vanilla bean lemonade! And last week Cindy made Vanilla Mint Lemonade Pops, so the truth is vanilla bean and lemons are just meant to be! And I just love the speckles in these bars. I kinda want a dress in the exact pattern, ya know? The truth is, the vanilla is super subtle in these guys, but don’t let that stop you. These guys could win a contest based on…

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My Top Five Summer Essentials

  It’s warm out today! I can’t believe it. This makes me want to get beach ready with five awesome summer necessities, or five things I’m dying to get this summer: ONE // High-waisted Bikini via Maria Hoffman for fashion-swimming. TWO // Pink Fujifilm Instax Mini via B&H for memories. THREE // Swedish Hasbeens in Old Pink  for dancing. FOUR // Tunes by the Dunes Radio in coral, obvz via Modcloth for tunes. FIVE // Pineapple Ice Cube Trays via Anthropologie for cocktails. For…

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Sweet Potato Light Brioche Burger Buns

Yesterday I ate chocolate while making tortillas for dinner tacos. Mind you, I was out of everything so the tacos were just made with scrambled eggs, tomatoes, cheese, and hot sauce. And I ate them standing in my kitchen… I don’t know what the deal is. I’ve been so scattered lately! I’ve forgotten to eat meals (what?!). I’ve eaten granola bars for lunch and weird bratwurst for midnight dinner. Life is crazy and busy and…

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20 Minute Rhubarb Jam

You guys! For real! Listen to this song while you stir this simmering jam. I promise that the combination of this song, the stirring, and the color of this jam that everything will be ok. Do yourself a favor and make some biscuits for with it. You’ll probably sit down to breakfast and eat two with your brie and mushroom scramble. You’ll probably eat one more afterword for dessert. You might turn one into a watermelon slice…

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Ice Cream Forever

Because ice cream is so often the answer. Because sometimes I bake banana bread at 10pm. Because sometimes Tom Waits sings just the right song at just the right moment. Because it’s spring. Because summer is right around the corner. Because I bought new cowboy boots. Because I get to visit my BFF in June. Because my weekends are full of fun adventures these days. Because Stella beer cheers are what’s up. Because I only…

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Honey & Cornbread Ice Cream

It was 70 degrees yesterday! I wore a dress with ankle boots and NO tights. This means that summer can happen in a state that won a snow record. A state that had snow multiple feet high for months. Consider this ice cream me raising the roof to summer beccause I want to serve it as a side dish to pulled pork sandwiches and right with some grilled everything. You see, this is honey ice…

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