Savory Sweet

Insta-Recipes #3

You guys, it’s spring. For real. It’s time to crack the windows, bake cookies for work, pizza for your favorites, and granola for the hotties in your life. Below are 3 recipes from my Instagram that I really think you guys should know about. I mean, sometimes baking and dancing happens on a weeknight and there’s no time for photographing these in a fancy manor… So here you go! I really loved these whoopie pies.…

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Thick and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

This weekend has been magic. Not only was the weather 70 degrees (!!!) but I had musical adventures, pizza, and made cookies. I also finally nailed the hand clap in the bridge in G.U.Y. on a run. (Lady Gaga, so what) There was plenty of Stella Artois, backyard lounging, and dining room dancing. Spring has arrived, you guys. It’s here with one single daffodil in my backyard and even if it snows Tuesday, I won’t trust…

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Rhubarb Crumble Ice Cream

I like a little bit of consistency in life. I just like knowing there will always be blue cheese crumbles at the Whole Foods salad bar even if sometimes they only have fake chicken and no grated zucchini. I like to know that I’ve got party supplies in my desk at work in case I bring cookies in and need to put heart napkins out. I like to know that without a doubt ice cream…

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Freckled Strawberry Rhubarb Lemonade

Stephanie at Girl Versus Dough is having a baby! A girl! And if this isn’t a reason to put rhubarb in everything to make it ladylike and pink, I don’t know what is. So let’s make this lemonade and toast to Stephanie and the future little lady in her life. This lemonade could easily be frozen into ice pops. It could just as easily be mixed with vodka (not right now, Stephanie) for sipping in…

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Feta, Tomato, and Bell Pepper Quiche with a Polenta Crust (gluten-free)

I’ve been trying to pay attention. To notice the moments where I feel happy and just live in them, ya know? Way back in June when I made the asparagus remix to this quiche I remember feeling super happy whisking the polenta for 10 minutes. Whisking is total zen. We’ve talked about this before, I think. But back then was a tricky time for me. I felt kinda lost and sort of unsure of what…

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Peanut Butter and Chocolate Swirl Bread

Sometimes it feels weird to listen to Tegan & Sara while your landlord fixes the thermostat. Sometimes it’s more weird for your heat to go out like 5 times though in a few months! But the truth is Elliot really loves the landlord? Almost as much as this one plumber from a long time ago. I don’t know what it was about that dude! Elliot ran laps of the apartment! Maybe he was a plumber…

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Single Lady French Toast

There was a dark time in my life where I didn’t like French toast. I’d had too many soggy, weird, egg-y situations. Even out on the town, it was disapointment-ville. BUT then I learned the secret. A combo of using stale (homemade) bread that will keep it’s cool when under pressure or submerged in liquid AND, secondly, infusing the milk. Why dunk your bread in plain old milk, when you can infuse it with a…

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[Party Time Tip] Framboise Floats

Hey Guys! I want to start doing a little quick party time tip type post here and there. And this little dessert is one of my favorites. It’s the easiest thing to get together if you’re having a few friends over and want to have a tasty dessert that looks/tastes awesome without much effort at all. The truth is, I should’ve brought these to my friends’ house for pizza the other weekend… You see, I…

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Berry Buckle Muffins

I just want to be like, “Hi there, I’m Berry Buckle, your local plumber/electrician/locksmith.” Because this name makes me think of a fix-it dude. And those are the kinds of things I think, you guys. Anywaaaaaaay, I whipped up these muffins for work because, you see, I work some some cool folks of the muffin-deserving type. I also happened to have spare berries AND I’m back in the game as far as having butter in…

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Classic Rich Bread

Let’s have some real talk about bread-baking. Once, I made some pumpkin sandwich bread after a break-up to prove how fine was. Like, “Hey, I’m fine, just making bread like usual. No biggie. Could you hold up my backdrop for me while I shoot it?” Bread means life’s normal, right? Another time I made bread to win a boy back, and it did not work. (It’s cool because he wasn’t right for me.) I was all,…

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