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Banana Bread Remixes for Betty Crocker

Here’s some honesty. I live alone, right? Just me and Elliot the pup. And the truth is, I pretty much never have leftover banana bread. I always WANT to have leftover banana bread for cubing and mixing into ice cream, baking as french toast sticks, or for sandwiching with Nutella and toasted coconut, but when I have banana bread I eat it for every meal. The day I was sorting out the details for this…

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Strawberry Coffeecake

This coffeecake has nutmeg in it making it taste like a donut. And it can count as a breakfast, mid-afternoon snack, or even a first dinner. It calls for strawberry jam, and so I whipped up my favorite strawberry freezer jam with a vanilla bean for good measure. And, I have to say, that this stuff was super hard to photograph… solely because I wanted to eat it so badly! I gobbled up two slices…

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Cocoa Puff Ice Cream

Well, I made that chipotle chicken chili again. You see, I’ve been the worst lunch-bringer during the workweek. So this week I’ll have lunch for days! And I also ensured that there’s post-chili ice cream. It’s just, you’re the dinner to my dessert, the cherry on top of my Monday, and cocoa puffs in my ice cream, ya know? I added a bit of Nutella and malt powder and it accentuates the cocoa puffs. I…

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I went to Florida!

You guys, this little weekend getaway to Florida with my lady friend was the most fun ever. I think it has to do a little bit with the whole summerland beach-ville situation, and a lot to do with the fact that Kathy and I have the EXACT same idea of what makes a vacation fun. We are on the same page with beach runs, naps, calzone emergencies, big breakfasts, and pitchers of beer with lunch.…

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Honey Graham Cereal Milk Pudding

Honey Graham Oh’s are my favorite. I call them oat-y oh’s, though. I just love how graham-y they are! Basically, I’ll know when I love someone when I share my oat-y oh’s with them. You see the box is kinda small and generally lasts me 2 (maybe 3) servings. I’m serious about cereal. I basically knew I wanted to make cereal milk pudding ever since Cindy made this Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal Milk Banana Cream Pie.…

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Party Time

The 6th Annual Valentine’s Brunch Party

Sunday was the 6th Annual Valentine’s Brunch Party and Monday was Washington’s Birthday. So I had the day after the party off! It was a Valentine’s miracle! I decorated by repurposing last year’s big fringe garland giving it the horizontal remix. I also decided to cut a big heart (super-jagged-like) out of two pieces of foam core and top it with fringe! For the savory goodness, this year, I made: Cobb Salad Deviled Eggs, breakfast sausage…

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Salted Caramel Cream Cheese Frosted Brownie Bites

Ok guys, let’s listen to this song and live our lives! I hope you all have had the best Valentine’s Day! Mine’s been weird-ish this year, but don’t worry, to me Sunday is the big day. I bought a new coral dress and will wear heart tights and plan on making a million mini foods and over-serving mimosas to my favorites. In the meantime, I totally made these twice last weekend. Once for my friend’s…

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Toasted Marshmallow and Salted Caramel Cookie Bars

You guys, these cookie bars are my valentine. They are my current favorite thing. I’d like to go on vacation with them. I probably would tell them secrets right before bed. I’d definitely make them waffles on the weekend and bring them on walks with Elliot. So now that things have gotten weird, let’s get honest. I ran out of marshmallow when topping these! That’s why I put a cursive chocolate love message in there!…

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Cafe Caramel

I had a wild and crazy weekend. And by wild, I mean I was baking all Friday night (making the dessert for my friend’s baby shower) and ended up with brownie batter on my bra strap. And by crazy, I painted a pretty solid heart on my nails (Valentine-mani style) on Saturday night. Sunday, after a solid breakfast, I decided to make some salted caramel sauce and pop it into three recipes for you guys…

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