Savory Sponsored Posts

Zucchini Parmesan Sliders

How’d you spend your weekend? I spent mine cutting a sizable zucchini into burger patties, going to a dance-y music yoga class (They played Mariah Carey Fantasy last week!) and livin’ my life watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. (Ugh, Walt is the worst.) You see, I like for my Saturdays to include a morning walk ending in a bagel picnic and for my lunch to be one worth dropping the L-bomb about. Because, the truth…

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Watermelon Lemonade Ice Pops

When I picked my car up from an oil change, the fella said, “It’s August! Practically Christmas.” And I dyed a little inside. It may be the Sunday of the year, but you better believe that I’m holding on to summer. Like REALLY tightly. I’m going to ride my bike to brunch, make popsicles, eat hot dogs, and drink beer on patios for as long as possible. I’ll turn my oven on before my heat.…

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Sponsored Posts

Let’s make sandwiches!

You guys! There’s a sandwich contest comin’ up. And it’s pretty exciting. So much so, that I totally cut letters out of bread to tell you about it. I kerned some carb letters last night. Believe it. All you have to do is make an awesome dream of a sandwich on King’s Hawaiian Bread or rolls, take a photo of it, and upload the ingredients, photo, and recipe right HERE. You have until September 2, at 11:59 p.m.…

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Goat Cheese Stuffed Black Bean Sliders

I’ve got some honesty for you guys. You see, Friday I went bowling sock-less… Yep, that’s right. I wore public shoes without socks. And I’m totally cool with the 10-second rule. You better believe that sometimes entire slices of pizza fly off my plate and I still eat them. Now you know. Sorry, Elliot, but I can’t sacrifice pizza ever. I feel the same way about these burgers. If one were to fly off my…

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DIY Sweet

Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream Cups with Fudge and Cookies + DIY Packaging

Hey guys. I’m going to be honest. I have no scissor skills. Cutting out a perfect circle just isn’t going to happen. I give tend to give circles corners. And I’m also not vegan. I ate blue cheese in my car once. However, I do think it’s important to have delicious vegan options up my sleeve. And I also think that presentation is key. Lately, I’ve been on an ice cream kick, ya know? So…

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Savory Sweet

Brunchiladas + Mimosaritas

I love enchiladas. So much so, that I’d like them for breakfast filled with eggs and chorizo. I’m all Dr. Suess about them. Please give them to me topped with salsa verde, out on the town, at the picnic table, for dinner, for breakfast, with leftovers, with newovers, topped with quickly whisked chili powder enchilada sauce, filled with BBQ, topped with gouda, topped with goat cheese. I just want them, ya know? So when I…

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Pesto Chicken Wrap

This guy would win in a sandwich battle wrap, that’s for sure. Imagine this rainbow dinner on stage rhyming with Eminem or whoever, ya know? It’d be like, “Yo, I know I’m a sandwich, but don’t disrespect. I’m a dinner worth eating so let’s be direct. I’ve got mad flava’ so get ready to sava’*. I’m no average meal, don’t save me for lata.” And then the other fella or lady would probably just go…

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Banana Bread Pancakes

You guys, it’s been summer in Michigan like whoa. And honestly the thought of turning on the oven for ONE WHOLE HOUR to eat banana bread is just too much to bear. (Or at least until I give up on stayin’ cool). Don’t fret though! These pancakes solve that banana bread debacle in one awesome breakfast eatin’ swoop. And with a little bit of butter on each warm pancake, they just really and truly taste…

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Orange Scented Chocolate Chip Bagels

I sing this song in the car almost every day. It might’ve replaced Kelly Clarkston’s Since You’ve Been Gone in the sing-in-the-car-way. Both are about love gone wrong though, so they have so much in common. What I’m trying to say is that, I know that I’m feeling ok based on whether I sing in the car or not. That’s how I figure out how I’m doin’. And nothing gives me a reason to sing…

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