
Insta-recipes #1

Ok! So, I thought it might be fun to revisit some things I’ve posted on Instagram to share the recipes with you guys. I really hope you don’t mind! P.S. I didn’t make those donut holes and macarons up there, but aren’t they good-lookin’! And yeah, I totally want to take a nap on a pile of them. My friend Dana came over for dinner a while back and it was just after I revisited…

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Berry Crumble Ice Cream

My favorite pies have a crumb topping. I always choose a crumble over a crisp, and have even streusel-topped pancakes in the past. And with all these summer berries keepin’ it real at the farmer’s market, it only makes sense to give ice cream the crumble remix. And my mom has major pie skills. She also loves a crumble topping like no other. So you better believe I called my mom when I was tasting…

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Asparagus Quiche with a Polenta Crust (gluten-free)

I’m really trying to notice when I’m feeling happy and content and stuff. I’m doing my best to just take note of it, you know? Embrace it even. Whisking the hell out of this polenta for 10 whole minutes made me super happy. I was smiling and whisking and whisking and smiling. You see, I was up early getting this brunch pie together and brewing coffee. I didn’t even have music on and the windows…

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Picnic Time (Focaccia Sandwich + Salads)

It’s totally spummer out. (Ya know, that season that’s right between spring and summer.) One day it’s 87 and the next day it’s 65. This weather is cray. But on the ideal spummer day it’s good to have picnic fixings on the ready! You see, this day would be about 75 and sunny, and it wouldn’t rain as soon as you sat on your picnic blanket, and you sure wouldn’t cut your thumb on the…

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Double Raspberry Waffles

These waffles might be my favorite yet. Despite the fact that the first few waffles got majorly stuck in the waffle iron. They obviously have separation anxiety. Even though I ate the first couple (mangled) waffles burrito-style with some raspberry syrup in the middle. I mean, you just can’t go wrong with summertime berry-livin’. These taste especially awesome when you have the day off. They are a nice leisurely brunch-y way to get your day…

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Package up your granola! {DIY}

Last weekend, while I was in Florida, the second Rock Paper Scissors Craft Mart happened! I was asked to make vendor gifts, and needed to make something that would still be super-fresh and awesome come Sunday. I opted to make my favorite coconut oil granola with dried strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and roasted coconut. P.S. I’m totes selling baked goodness at the next one! They needed 25, so I made 30 just in case. It turns out…

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Food Blog Forum (a recap)

Friday morning, at early o’clock, Cindy and I popped on a plane to head to Orlando for Food Blog Forum! We’d been chit-chatting for awhile now about wanting to attend a food blog conference, and this one seemed too good to be true! We had all day friday to lounge by the pool with frozen boozy drinks (pineapple garnish forever) and relax until the welcome reception. We even went down a water slide (3 times…

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The Darkest Chocolate Ice Cream In The World

It takes me 1 1/2 blocks (driving) to finish a toasted sesame seed bagel with cream cheese. It takes me the opening song of The Wire to finish my cornbread pizza. It takes me the 30 minutes before leaving for dinner to make this ice cream, leaving me just enough time to switch my shoes and put on lipstick. Do you ever buy the ingredients to make something discovering that you can’t make it until…

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Strawberry Rhubarb Vodka

I took a sip of this on the rocks and it was trouble. Boozie Susan, ya know? The tartness of the rhubarb shines through. But mix this with some club soda, a little bit of vanilla bean and lemon or berries, and you’re set. The perfect spring-time drink. Not too sweet, and not too boozy (tasting). I let this sit a few days extra. The strawberries turn into zombies and the vodka turns the perfect…

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