
Kaiser Rolls

Sometimes life-changing sandwiches happen. Sometimes they’re the Italian-est sandwich with multiple cured meats, roasted red peppers, garlic mustard, basil, goat cheese, and provolone. Sometimes they have corned beef AND potato salad on them. The filling has to be right and the bread has to be the right-est. Nobody wants to be bullied by sharp bread corners while trying to eat a sandwich, ya know? So if you’re looking for a tasty sandwich bun then I…

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Chocolate Chip Pancake Mini Muffins with a Brown Butter Maple Glaze

Because dessert needs to happen with a picnic lunch, and because I had a bunch of hay in my boots when I got home. You see, Friday, I took the day off and headed to Upland Hills Farms. My friend’s niece had a field trip, so a couple of us ladies went too! We made a giant Italian sandwich and a tasty orzo salad for our picnic lunch. And since this particular little girl loves…

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Pumpkin Mini Donuts + Brown Butter Glaze, Pecans, and Caramel

It’s always donut weather to me, but at the moment it’s REALLY donut weather. It’s time to go to the cider mill and get a half dozen donuts for yourself. It’s time to chug cider until your tum is an ocean. It’s time to wander on nature trails to nowhere. It’s time to put salted caramel on and in everything. It’s donut o’clock. Can you believe this recipe makes either 6 big donuts or like…

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Savory Sweet

Pumpkin Sandwich Bread {revisited}

I find bread to be super comforting. So, let’s split a piece of warm bread right out of the oven ok? We can talk at the kitchen table. Let’s feel our feelings while snacking. Let’s turn off the heat and turn on the oven. The truth is, I’ll always want the biggest breadstick if out dining out. I’ll probably want to eat your corn bread right off your plate. I might make two pieces of…

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Coffee Marshmallow and Salted Caramel Topped Brownies

I couldn’t stop thinking about these brownies. I can’t stop listening to this song. I can’t stop wearing cowboy boots. I couldn’t hold out about turning the heat on anymore. I can’t eat these for dinner, but I want to. And these brownies are a turning point. I successfully made caramel sauce! Caramel generally intimidates me. I’ve burnt it before. I’ve made it too firm, too soft, it’s just been wrong. But this recipe is…

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Orange Ricotta Pancakes

Saturday night I had brussel sprouts for dinner. Sunday morning I had these guys. A breakfast fit for Marie Antoinette. If only I would’ve paired pink champagne with this stack of heaven. So there you go! I’m on the vegetable and pancake diet. I’ve wanted to make ricotta pancakes since I had some dreamy ones at Five Leaves in New York. I guess I should be adding ricotta to every pancake I eat from now…

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White Pizza with Lemony Greens

While making this pizza I thought of a joke… It goes like this: Which cheese is the loneliest? (Any idea? Do you know!?) ProvALONE. Boom.  … And then I realized that’s not how you spell it. It’s provolone. Shucks. Worst joke ever? Maybe, because of the whole spelling issue, it’s the kind of joke that can only be told aloud. So anyhow, I had a pizza like this at Roberta’s in New York and I loved it.…

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A Just Because Giveaway

– Contest Closed – Things are going ok, you guys. Pleasant little things keep happening. Like when I was out to dinner in New York, Shady Lane by Pavement played at dinner followed by Where is my Mind by The Pixies. And last week, I went to the dentist and had Zack Morris as my hygienist. There were dolphins on the ceiling and we talked about avocados. Later that same day I was hugged by…

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Sweet & Salty Sugar Cookies

I don’t know, you guys. It’s been one of those weekends. The kind where you buy ingredients for your dream pizza and then eat cereal for dinner. The kind where you go to Trader Joe’s in pajamas and buy milk and dog treats. (So what!) I just need to remind myself that worrying about the future doesn’t help a darn thing. It’s just “borrowing trouble”, and I’ve got to quit it. While I totally need…

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