
Cinnamon Scrolls {a 30 minute miracle}

Let’s eat weekend-breakfasts during the week. Let’s trick our mornings. These thoughtfully come together quickly with pantry ingredients. It has a lot to do with the fact that these start out with cold butter and are yeast-less. These taste like cinnamon roll biscuits. Jake said that these would be tasty with maple syrup on them. I totally agree. And I think we all know Elf would also be down with that. Rumor has it these…

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Cheesy Quinoa Cakes + Guacamole + Goat Cheese

Sometimes I get worried. The other day I dropped a grape and it rolled under the fridge. It’s in Narnia for all I know. I’m a little worried about it. I just can’t find it. I’m a little worried about Christmas cookies. Should I have started making them already? Should I have dozens in my freezer?! But I’m not worried about these cakes. They are super-fun little individual cheesy patties. And let’s be honest, you…

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Dutch Apple Cheesecake + Pumpkin Tiramisu {Thanksgiving 2011}

My thanksgiving was so bright I had to wear shades. And it was delicious. See that jell-o? It’s a rainbow under that green. My nephews love it. My niece can’t get enough of it. There was also The Pioneer Woman’s sweet potatoes, in that blue dish back there. They taste like what sweet potatoes should taste like as dessert… but as a side dish. On each plate there are two kernels of indian corn. Every year…

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Rye Bread

Sometimes I feel like Steve Urkel. Sometimes when I grab the sink-sprayer (…is that the technical term?) I spray water all over myself and the kitchen. And when I was making this bread I dropped the bag of rye flour open-side down on the kitchen floor and spilled a hefty amount. And when I grabbed a tea towel to let the dough rise under it, an entire stack of towels landed on my head. I…

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Make a Pom-Pom Wreath {DIY}

I’m totally into crafty Christmas. I’m aiming to be a Who from Whoville instead of the Grinch. So, in order to start of the season right, I made this fun wreath! Cindy made one too! Click here to see what hers is all about. All you need are a few materials (above), a solid day to work on it, and a dream. So make it! Your home will thank you. P.S. If you get crafty with…

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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Turkey O’Clock is approaching. And at the moment I’m in Minnesota hanging out in the kitchen with my mom. I just can’t wait to share with you guys what her and I are making this year for dessert. (I’ll be posting them next week!) The truth is, I made these cookies before I left. It’s important to me for Jake to have a constant supply of cookie-goodness while I’m gone. These remind me of what…

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Grandma’s Molasses Cookies

These cookies are bringing wrinkles back. Good thing, because I rarely iron. Even when I’m wrinkly. I just decide to believe it when Jake tells me that my outfit looks like “it’s supposed to be like that.” But “like that” means wrinkled. Ever since I made those large marge cookies, I’ve just been thinking that bigger cookies are better. I mean, if the cookie’s bigger than there’s more chewy center to love, right? Cookie middles are…

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Chocolate Frozen Yogurt + Cookie Dough

We’ve all got skills. Jake’s really good at folding the fitted sheet. And that, my friends, is a serious skill. Whenever I “fold it”, I’m really just tumbling it into a ball. Sometimes I even put that tumbly ball into a pillow case to hide it. I’m pretty good at scooping ice cream. Not to say that takes any skill at all. What I mean is that, I’m good at eating ice cream. But those…

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No-Knead Crusty White Bread

My favorite sandwich of all time is the cuban sandwich. I get it at Red Coat Tavern despite the fact that their burgers win popularity contests. I just can’t get enough of the melty cheese, the pickle, the mustard, the pork. So when I made bread this weekend, I had that tasty sandwich in mind. I let these loaves rise to the max. You see, I had to go to Trader Joe’s for sandwich fixin’s…

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