
Pumpkin Swirl Brownies {revisited}

What are your pantry staples? Currently I can’t live without spare cans of pumpkin. I get uneasy if I’ve only got one can left. They hang out in the cupboard with black beans, half-full boxes of noodles, and honey. I also like to buy giant bars of chocolate from Trader Joe’s that I can cut up and put in cookies or brownies like these! When I cut up chocolate I like to transfer it to…

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Mini Pumpkin Black & White Cookies

I’m really into fall. For example, last weekend I spray painted pumpkins gold and topped them off with glitter with my fall-loving friend Cindy. I’ve been wearing tights, painting my nails navy, and walking Elliot over neon leaves. I’ve also been making pumpkin everything. Pumpkin roll, pumpkin pup treats, and now these black and white cookies. So if you’ve got fall fever (which is way better than Bieber fever) you should totally make these! Because pumpkin…

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Pumpkin Pup Treats

Elliot needed some pumpkin-love in his life this fall. And rumor has it pumpkin is good for dog bellies. It settles their stomaches. Pumpkins are so thoughtful like that. When I give one of these to Elliot he chomps away and then checks the floor really well to not waste a single crumb. So he really likes them, and I bet your pup would too! Now he spends a lot of time laying on the…

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Chocolate Salami

For Jake’s birthday, I also made him this chocolate salami. You see, since last year he’s been making sausage at home! He’s made garlic wine, chorizo, andouille, spicy Italian and more. So I figured I’d make him a dessert salami. (Why not, right?) When I walked in and held it up saying, “Look what I made you!” I’m pretty sure he thought I made a sausage somehow. It’s a chocolate prank! One thing that’s cool…

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Jake has been wanting homemade twinkies for awhile now. So this year on his birthday, I finally made them! I armed myself with a cream canoe pan, a hefty amount of eggs, and a dream. And they turned out great! Spongey little yellow cakes filled with fluffy creamy mcfluff. Oh man. And Jake liked them. He ate 6 on his birthday morning! What a champ. And they’re a fun size to package up. Just wrap…

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Cider and Donut Cupcakes

It’s just one of those weeks. The kind where I bought 2 bottles of shampoo, thinking I had a conditioner. And my alarm was set for early o’clock more often than not. But it’s all good now because we have cider and donut cupcakes! And tomorrow is Jake’s birthday so we are going to eat good food and go on adventures all weekend. And fall is the best time for birthdays. Because then you can…

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Pumpkin Roll

Until yesterday, I’d never made a successful pumpkin roll. I was in charge of bringing one to Thanksgiving about 3 years ago. I made one, and it ripped when I rolled it. So I made another one, and that one ripped too. I wrapped up the mangled pumpkin roll. Put it in a cooler and drove to Thanksgiving. Needless to say, it was one ugly dessert, and I think the kids were scared of it.…

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Coffee Cakes, Muffins, Pies, Breads, Cookies

These recipes are all thanks to my mom! She’s quite the baker. And can you believe she’s even in town at the moment?! We’re hanging out in the kitchen Sunday, and I’ll totally fill you know what we make. Coffee Cakes + Muffins Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake – crumby top, swirly middles, oh yeah. Sour Cream Coffee Cake – a bundt with a bunting! My mom’s favorite. Bran Muffins – my mom used to make these in mini…

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Vegan Caramel Swirl Brownies

Can you believe my nails are so chippy? Can you believe I’ve been slacking when it comes to dishes? Can you believe it’s only Tuesday? Can you believe there’s no butter in these dudes? Can you believe they are so super tasty? Believe it, sister. These are dreamy, fudgy brownies. And the caramel is so subtle and perfect with all that chocolate. And well, the only thing I messed up is the bake time. I…

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Mushroom & Spinach Frittata

This is my weekend lunch. It’s what I made while Elliot was laying in a sunny patch on the floor and I was in between episodes of True Blood. It’s extra lunch-y with a salad on the side. I’m a big fan of putting black beans in my salads, do you guys do that? You probably should. Oh, and spinach and mushrooms are best friends. It’s just the truth. So let’s have lunch. I’ll bring…

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