
Pumpkin Piesicles

So, do any of you guys tend to do the good old pants dance where you tug your pants up by the belt loops? I guess I yanked the hell out of my red corduroys because I ripped them like whoa. And so I FINALLY decided to fix that tear and while I was cutting the hot pink (I couldn’t find red) thread I snipped a hole in the leg of those same red pants.…

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Brown Butter Yeast Waffles

I haven’t gone running since I stepped on a dead mouse 2 weeks ago. I haven’t folded the laundry from last week. I just keep moving the pile around. I haven’t returned the library book I checked out months ago. But mostly, I haven’t used this little heart waffle maker since a Belgian waffle maker came into my heart, life, and kitchen. I’m a fool! I love all waffles. You see, I’m an equal opportunity…

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Dark Chocolate Oreo Blizzard Ice Cream

If I had a nickel for how every time I put a heart in a post, I’d have many nickels. I might be equally nickel-rich if applied to frozen chocolate. What can I say? I love love AND chocolate. Truth. This is that kind of chocolate ice cream that makes you swear there’s coffee in it, but there’s not. It’s also creamy and dreamy and filled with Oreos… I mean Joe-Joe’s. I’m the type of…

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Pumpkin Cornbread

I’ve made this a bunch, you guys! I love it so very much. I like it with cider or coffee for breakfast and with soup for dinner, or even as a late night snack with honey butter. Sometimes I eat all the cornbread. Sometimes I ask Elliot if he can tell that I ate an embarrassing amount. He always says I still look fly. I’m thinking he’s being a bit too nice, but I love…

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Maple Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream

Sometimes my horoscope sounds like a card in Monopoly. It’s all “Your plumbing might have problems. Get an estimate!” Other times, Susan Miller is all, “October is HARD. Mid-November your life will begin to sparkle again.” I’m pushing my way through these early fall months with ice cream. My days can sparkle a little bit here and there based on bites of this stuff, ya know? And I’ve been wearing my frumpy fleece and walking…

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Pumpkin and Banana Marble Loaf

I mean, I like banana bread, and I like pumpkin bread… Why not make bananunkin bread or pumkana bread? Yeah… these are the thoughts I think on the regular. I took this out of the oven. I let it cool for barely 5 minutes before I sliced it ever so carefully and ate two warm, butter slathered slices in a row. I could’ve eaten more, but I mean, I’ve got to keep it under control.…

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Cinnamon Sugar Donut Ice Cream

This ice cream happened because of a text, my girl, JD sent me from New York that said, “I’m eating cider mill donut frozen yogurt.” I knew immediately that I had to churn up some donut dreams. And basically nothing says double trouble more than cinnamon sugar donut ice cream served with cinnamon sugar donuts. It’s just true. And nutmeg is totally the trick for turning this ice cream into a cider mill miracle. I…

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