
Lemon Chess Pie

I’m going to be honest. I picked out this pie, but my mom made it while I perused our music options. I did zest a few lemons and totally complimented her on her crust skills. I also made the whipped cream, but my mixer did most of the work. We both ate this pie like total champs. My mom said she was going to make this pie when she got home from her visit. She…

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Dairy-Free Stout Float

What’s the deal with the late 20’s? Sometimes I feel like the only thing I have sorted out is how to make a solid dinner out of a sandwich and fries. Or how to pair beer, ice cream, and chocolate in a tasty way. But it’s ok not to have everything figured out, right? Who knows how things will be in a year? That can be kinda exciting, I think. P.S.  I’ve dreamed of having a Guinness…

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Funfetti Shortbread

I’m living in the past. Since my computer died I’ve been listening to c.d.s on my old boom box. The skipping that keeps happening because of my scratch-y car floor c.d.s doesn’t make me miss Spotify a bit… So while I’m getting jiggy with the past, I figured why not go the funfetti route. I mean, nothing screams childhood more than rainbow sprinkles, right? AND since it’s getting close to St. Patrick’s day, rainbows should…

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Chocolate Chip Cookies Forever

Because I’m hungry for every single chocolate chip cookie remix ever. Because the other day I pumped gas and it overflowed on my foot. Because it’s so cold in my apartment. Because I can’t find matching socks. Because I have dishes to put away. Because I’m currently using my pre-teen boom box to listen to music at home. Because I can’t save snacks until I’m hungry at work. Because I laid in the sun on…

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Malted Cake Brownies with Cocoa Cream Cheese Frosting

I’m itching for a change. Part of it might be the winter blues. You see, I think I’m having bike ride withdrawal. I need patio beers, and grilled dinners. I’d like to walk to get ice cream, and wear maxi dresses, and be more freckled. But for now, I’ll brownie. Because there’s something therapeutic about chopping chocolate, and something even better about eating chocolate. And while these baked my kitchen was cozy warm and smelled…

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Coconut Oil Brown Sugar Cookies

Last night a waiter refilled my beer with water. I take these things kinda seriously. I think I high-voiced him, “But that’s my beer!” It shocked me! These cookies, on the other hand, are a pleasant surprise. Because can you believe it’s possible to cream softened coconut oil and sugar together? And that it can make dough that’s as pretty as ice cream? Believe it, sister. So here’s the thing. These cookies are so soft! They…

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Orange, Cardamom, Vanilla Swirl Bread

My flat smells like toast, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I go to bed at night dreaming of popping this swirly twirly dream in the toaster. I savor the hell out of every bite. It’s basically the toast version of these Orange Rolls, so I’m kinda obsessed. And I’m pretty excited about the fact that I have an entire spare loaf in my freezer! Toast forever! Also, do me a favor and don’t…

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Mrs. Fields Cookies (revisited)

When it comes to the weekend I require big breakfasts, naps galore, and freshly baked cookies. So to ensure the cookie part of my weekend, I whipped up this dough Friday after work and popped it in the fridge for casual Saturday baking. Feel free to do the same to bake at your leisure! And these cookies are by far one of my very favorites. There is plenty of ground oatmeal in each bite, giving them…

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Black & White Cookie Valentines

I made really delicious bread over the weekend, and the first slice was a major hottie! But, you guys there was a cave in there! A bread crevice that leads to a carb-version of Narnia, no doubt. That bread will be in your future and mine though again. Keep your little eyes peeled! These cookies aren’t bread. They are, instead, a black and white cookie remixed to be all LOVEly. I’m super into them. I…

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Blueberry Yogurt Muffins

This weekend was a success! I hit up the bloody mary bar at Social Kitchen with Cindy and Nicole. I almost knocked over a giant jug of tomato juice, and then dropped my snack skewer on the ground (and still ate it). I don’t know what it is about going out in public that immediately turns me into Steve Urkel. This lady brunch adventure was just what I needed! You see, I’ve been needing some…

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