
Bite-Size Pumpkin Cream Pies

Because sometimes I post things fashionably late. Because sometimes I want to eat a whole pie in one bite (like I’m a giant). Because I’ve been messing things up lately. Because I made this filling twice. Because occasionally I’m a total custard amateur. So, sometimes pies work out even if you mess them up at first. And they are extra good with a friendly mini ghost on top. What it comes down to is that…

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Mini Pumpkin Cupcakes + Cinnamon Vanilla Bean Whipped Buttercream

These cupcakes go really well with watching Hocus Pocus, gold pumpkins, and flannel shirts. Oh, and is Hocus Pocus a musical sometimes? Weird. I ran out of mini muffin papers. So I just used small squares of parchment again. I think they worked out well as cupcake outfits. Even though it creates nooks for the cupcake batter to be ridiculous. So make these! Pass them out to trick-or-treaters. Toss them in that pillow case! Except,…

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Speedy Banana Cocoa Ice Cream

I crave ice cream daily. It’s just the truth. So I thought I’d try this frozen banana business since it’s an ice cream that is ready for snacking quickly! You just need frozen bananas, cocoa, vanilla, and more chocolate. Top this with hot fudge for a remixed banana split! Go ahead and freeze a few freckled bananas. Blend it up! Add malt powder even (Man! Now I wish I would’ve!) and enjoy every bite without worrying…

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Potato Refrigerator Dough {3 ways}

I’m having trouble committing to one outfit per day. I find myself switching from skirts to pants on my lunch break or from tall shoes to flats. I totally can’t commit to one nail polish color either. I generally have random fingers painted with glitter or golds. So I figured why commit to one method with this dough! You see, this stuff can be used for so many things like loaves of bread and rolls…

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Pumpkin Swirl Brownies {revisited}

What are your pantry staples? Currently I can’t live without spare cans of pumpkin. I get uneasy if I’ve only got one can left. They hang out in the cupboard with black beans, half-full boxes of noodles, and honey. I also like to buy giant bars of chocolate from Trader Joe’s that I can cut up and put in cookies or brownies like these! When I cut up chocolate I like to transfer it to…

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Mini Pumpkin Black & White Cookies

I’m really into fall. For example, last weekend I spray painted pumpkins gold and topped them off with glitter with my fall-loving friend Cindy. I’ve been wearing tights, painting my nails navy, and walking Elliot over neon leaves. I’ve also been making pumpkin everything. Pumpkin roll, pumpkin pup treats, and now these black and white cookies. So if you’ve got fall fever (which is way better than Bieber fever) you should totally make these! Because pumpkin…

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Chocolate Salami

For Jake’s birthday, I also made him this chocolate salami. You see, since last year he’s been making sausage at home! He’s made garlic wine, chorizo, andouille, spicy Italian and more. So I figured I’d make him a dessert salami. (Why not, right?) When I walked in and held it up saying, “Look what I made you!” I’m pretty sure he thought I made a sausage somehow. It’s a chocolate prank! One thing that’s cool…

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Jake has been wanting homemade twinkies for awhile now. So this year on his birthday, I finally made them! I armed myself with a cream canoe pan, a hefty amount of eggs, and a dream. And they turned out great! Spongey little yellow cakes filled with fluffy creamy mcfluff. Oh man. And Jake liked them. He ate 6 on his birthday morning! What a champ. And they’re a fun size to package up. Just wrap…

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Cider and Donut Cupcakes

It’s just one of those weeks. The kind where I bought 2 bottles of shampoo, thinking I had a conditioner. And my alarm was set for early o’clock more often than not. But it’s all good now because we have cider and donut cupcakes! And tomorrow is Jake’s birthday so we are going to eat good food and go on adventures all weekend. And fall is the best time for birthdays. Because then you can…

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