
Olive Oil Mini Muffins with Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt

I hope summer’s treating you well. I hope you’ve been driving around with your windows down listening to summer music. Have you been listening to She & Him and singing along to the Avett Brothers? Blaring Lady Gaga for the dance-y days? I hope your car never gets too hot and that your parking spot’s always in the shade. I hope you eat things like this for breakfast because they’re called muffins even though they…

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Chocolate Ice Cream

Chocolate ice cream is my favorite ice cream of all the ice creams. Jake’s been asking me to make it ever since I made vanilla for our hot fudge sundaes while there was snow on the ground. I’m a total jerk for waiting this long to make it. I know that now. That photo up there is what the base looks like before it’s refrigerated for hours. That’s my face reflected in it’s lovely brown…

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Strawberry Rhubarb Pie + Vanilla Coconut Milk Ice Cream

Sometimes pie makes me nervous and that’s a shame. I’m excited though because the July 5th Pie Party totally motivated me to make this lovely pie! You see, this party is happening to encourage people to just make pie and not worry about it being perfect. No drama. So, it’s time to just make pies and to love them just the way they are! (Like Mark Darcy and Bridget Jones! …anyone?) My mom is a pie…

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Classic Chocolate Layer Cake

Sometimes I need a nap in the afternoon. Sometimes I need to confide in my favorite ladies. Sometimes I need a beer before dinner. Sometimes I need to sing along to Lady Gaga. Sometimes I need another coffee. Sometimes I need to bring Elliot with me to get ice cream. Sometimes I need to sit in the sun and get freckles. Sometimes I need to watch true crime shows in front of a fan. This week I…

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Blueberry Yogurt Whole Wheat Pancakes + Blueberry Maple Syrup

I live for breakfast on the weekend. Sipping coffee with pancakes on the griddle makes everything better. (Except, I don’t have a griddle; I have a frying pan. And sometimes the pancakes run into each other, and then they look like snowmen.) Do you like my pancakes with their blueberry syrup make-over? Is it too much? No way, these pancakes can totally pull off the bright syrup look. And honestly, there’s no such thing as…

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A Megabite Birthday + Mini Peanut Butter Cupcakes {revisited}

This weekend I went out on a lake in a purple paddle boat, drank beers on a patio until the sun went down, and today I’m celebrating this blog turning two! In honor of hitting the two-year mark, I decided to re-make the first thing I ever made, photographed, and talked about on here. So here they are! Mini peanut butter cupcakes topped with chocolate fudge frosting and a mini peanut butter cup. You can’t go…

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What you guys do when you’re cleaning the house? I listen to Lady Gaga (ow!) and dance around while Elliot raises his eyebrows at me. What do you guys do when you see a mini popsicle mold in the Target dollar section? I grab one and look around to see if everyone else is as excited as I am. They aren’t. What do you do when you have seven awesomely cute mini fudgesicles? I try…

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Mini S’mores Cheesecakes

Lately I’ve learned that it’s possible to get sunburned in the shade, that one can fall in love with an air conditioner, and mini cheesecakes are a 3-bite miracle. Milk chocolate cheesecake made with Belgian chocolate from Trader Joe’s is where it’s at. It makes this cheesecake the kind of thing you’ll take one bite of and then be surprised by how amazing it is. Not that I’m one to doubt chocolate, but jeez! My…

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Black & White Brownies

I wouldn’t choose White Chocolate as my my rapper name. I mean, white chocolate’s ok. I like it on things like pretzels or in a pumpkin cookie, but I’d never just say, “Toss me that white chocolate bunny, I want to eat its ears.” It just wouldn’t happen. But these guys make me totally appreciate white chocolate in a new way. Because, you see, these are pretty much white chocolate brownies with milk/dark chocolate chips.…

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Peach Pie Granita

It’s just not right to turn on the oven when it’s 90° out, and therefore 90° in my flat. I pushed through two oven-heating sides for our BBQ feast Monday; there was no way I was going to be able to make/eat the warm peach goodness I had in mind. But don’t worry, you guys! This is chilly granita tastes just like peach pie! You should probably make this next time you’re craving pie or…

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