
Sweet Potato Graham Muffins

Rumor has it these are girly, healthy muffins. But let me tell you, boys liked them too, despite the gingham papers. Taryn (friend, stylist, blogger) asked me to make these for the next photo shoot we’d both be at. And I’m so glad I did! These are the perfect muffin to have around when you’re at a photo shoot  or anywhere where lunch is postponed. These kept me from being crazy-hungry. And really, any recipe…

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Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie

Saturdays are for napping and giant-cookie making. Toasted coconut makes hoodie-wearing, cookie-making, messy-hair days better. After taking that picture I couldn’t remember how much flour I put in the sifter so I had to re-scoop 3 cups worth of whole wheat flour. Whew, talk about a hassle. … ha! This recipe is one that can be thrown together in minutes. It uses cold butter! So you don’t even have to remember to take butter out…

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Cardamom Sour Cream Waffles

I know. These just look like brown waffles. Don’t be fooled by their snooze-fest outfits, they are: flavorful, crispy-edged, spiced, brown waffles. Cardamom is such a unique spice. It’s warm and almost citrus-y? I don’t know how to explain it, but let me tell you, it’s tasty. Honesty, I’d like to make these again and sandwich cinnamon ice cream in the middle of one, and eat one like a burrito. That’s just me, though. Cardamom…

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Honey Hearts

These cookies are crunchy. Turn the volume up on Law & Order, blare the The Kills. They might drown out people when they’re trying to talk to you. They’re rude like that. Their tastiness though, will make you embrace the crunch. And I haven’t tried it yet, but I know that if you dunk these in milk it’ll be a dreamy after-school-type snack. I had to eat one right out of the oven; I wanted…

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Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake

I wish I had a candle that smelled exactly like this coffee cake. But then again, it’d probably make my stomach growl like the time I had a chocolate chip cookie candle… Basically, this coffee cake is a major childhood favorite. I’m pretty sure my mom’s recipe card still says: Megan’s Favorite Coffee Cake. And there’s good reason. It tastes dreamy and has a crumbly top. So what else matters, really? I guess I’ve got…

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Chocolate Coconut Milk Ice Cream {dairy-free}

Oh, this was an average week. It involved hitting up a bar I’ve never been to with hopes to run into Ryan Gosling, playing pool and missing the ball trying to sink a solid, burger eating, pastel nail polish, pre-dinner napping, and peace outs. Today started out with ice cream for breakfast, so I guess this week is above average after all. How was your week? I hope it was lovely. P.S. Can I just tell…

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Meyer Lemon & Blueberry Scones

I’m the luckiest lady to have finally met the hip lovechild of a lemon and a mandarin orange. I had three Meyer lemons and wasn’t about to waste a pinch of zest. And I’ve got these blueberries that are better than I’ve ever had. Elliot agrees. He likes for me to roll them into the living room so he can chase them. I decided to dot the scones with blueberries instead of mixing them in.…

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Banana Cake + Dulce De Leche + Brown Sugar Buttercream

I didn’t know what to say on this cake. I decided to follow my heart and just say what Rachel Zoe would say. This cake is bananas: B – A – N – A – N – A – S. Good thing I found more “A” cookies in the box, right? For a minute I was just using upside-down “V”s, and that’s just not classy. I figured that I should make those freckled bananas, casually lounging…

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Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil and Sea Salt

Last weekend, my Mom came to visit. She brought me snazzy parfait cups that I totally remember her making blue jell-o in when I was a kid. She even put a gummy shark in there for scary-swimmy-tasty goodness. Talk about awesome. Instead of jell-o, this time, we opted for mousse. And when I found this recipe on the kitchn, I knew it was the one I was dreaming of. It has all of my favorite…

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Swedish Pancakes {roll-em-ups}

These are the crepe cousin I’ve been dying to meet. They cook at a higher heat and get pretty tan lines. They don’t speak French. They are tasty with cinnamon sugar, and nutella. Most things are, though. These are fun to roll up. You might want to make them just for all the rolling action. And look! You can end up with a bouquet of pancakes for breakfast! And the truth is, I’d always choose…

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