
Monkey Bread Minis

The fellows from Baked warned me in Baked Explorations about how good this bread is and how it’s easy to eat a lot of it. So, I’ve been waiting to make monkey bread for when a group of people would be over. Our annual Valentine’s brunch party was the perfect occasion! I decided to make minis because I’ve noticed that when people come over they don’t want to work for their food. They don’t want…

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Hummingbird Bakery’s Sugar Cookies

These cookies were meant to be. I had exactly one stick of butter plus six tablespoons and I had sugar cookies on my mind. It was a butter miracle. So, I guess now I need to buy more butter. I’m in love with these vintage Valentine cookie cutters. They cut out cookies like it’s the 60’s, like Betty Draper, like they mean it. Rumor has it these cookies taste as if a Keebler elf helped…

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Buttermilk Pancakes

Running out of maple syrup causes immediate pancake cravings. Fact. I used up my last two tablespoons of maple syrup on those pancake muffins. So of course I was super hungry for straight-up pancake-love immediately. Jake bought more syrup last night under the condition that I make pancakes this morning. He didn’t have to ask me twice. Although, I was a little worried since I work at 9am and I had to wash my hair……

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Mini Maple Pancake Muffins + Nutella

I love Nutella. So I’m really glad it has it’s own day. I’m thinking about asking it to be my Valentine this year. Cross your fingers for me! I also love pancakes, and so I’ve been daydreaming about these muffins for weeks. They are especially good topped with Nutella. Or, top them with a Nutella AND a banana slice and get out of town, for real. These are mini, so you can eat them like…

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Belgian Hot Chocolate for Two

Let’s drink hot chocolate together, ok? Let’s drink it while looking out the window at my car that’s stuck in a snow pile. Let’s drink it while watching Jake make BLTs for lunch. And let’s sip it while Elliot snores under his penguin blanket. Let’s drink it while sweeping the floor clean of sprinkles, and between loads of laundry, and while listening to The Clash. Mostly, let’s just drink hot chocolate on a snow day…

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Sugar & Spice Owl Cookies

Owl you need is love. Who whooooo would you rather have as your Valentine? Owl always love you! Owl always think you’re a major hottie. Hootie hoo. These cookies could be given as Valentines. You could attach notes that say things like those ones up there. Owl bet everyone would really love it. Especially the one where you tell them they’re a major hottie. Did you know that coconut turns into owl feathers in the cookie…

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Mini Double Chocolate Donuts {or Chocolate Donut Hole Mini Muffins}

Once, I bought some round sunglasses with the hopes of looking hip like Lady Gaga, but I looked more like a nerdy beatle fan. They broke when I was walking Elliot and talking on the phone with my sister. I’ll only buy sunglasses from Target from now on. All I’m saying is that if you hold these donuts in front of your eyes, you’ll probably look way cooler than I did in those sunglasses. Chocolate…

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Electric Pink Vanilla Cupcakes + Swiss Meringue Buttercream

These cupcakes are a party. They are a little bit out of control and a lot pink. They taste like a birthday miracle. I made these for a lovely lady I work with. You see, she loves the color pink, gummy bears and candy of all sorts. I figured I’d do it up. These are super girly, but I have proof that boys can appreciate these too. Their tastiness outweighs their girliness, I guess. By…

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Dark Chocolate Orange Scones

This is my second time making these scones since Thursday. I think I have a problem. And that’s not the only problem I have. Turns out that I like to eat these despite having just eaten breakfast or lunch. Just know that these are nap-inducing if eaten when full. I know from experience. It’s just that I have a weakness for scones that are freckled with super dark chocolate and taste heavenly. Girl can’t help…

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