
Vanilla Brown Sugar Breakfast Polenta

It’s really snowy here in the mitten. I know it’s really snowy because it’s really high up on Elliot’s little legs. He’s not a fan of it at the moment, despite his fur coat. It’s so snowy that I switched my shoes from flats to boots on my lunch break. I had no choice! Nobody wants to snow in their shoes. So, it only makes sense to switch up my usual cold cereal for some…

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Polka Dotted Molasses Pound Cake

I like molasses, pound cake and polka dots. I like Pioneer Sugar because it’s made in Michigan and I like brown eggs because they’re pretty. I like this Grandma Molasses because it smells good and that chicken bowl because it was my mom’s. I like my slippers, piping dots and parchment paper. I like the sun, windows, and this pound cake’s pretty complexion. And I really like how my house smelled like warm spices while…

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Cookie No Dough Ice Cream

I resolve to make a lot of ice cream this year. And I resolve to make swiss meringue buttercream again because it’s fluffy like a cloud. I also resolve to wear an apron so that I don’t get flour and chocolate all over my jeggings. But in non-baking life, I want to try to stop thinking about “what if” situations. It makes things harder. Like “what if I would’ve paid more attention and not put…

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My Tiramisu Birthday Cake {made by Jake}

Jake won’t let me bake my own birthday cake. He thinks that’d be ridiculous. So for my birthday (last week) he took it into his own hands. When he asked what kind of cake I wanted, it turned out tiramisu was the sweet treat I was dreaming of. Jake set to work finding just the right recipe. Dorie Greenspan hooked him up with a dreamy cake that tastes just like the layered dessert! It’s a birthday…

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Champagne Cupcakes

These champagne cupcakes make me feel fancy. I feel fancy despite the fact that I only spent $5 on the champagne I put in these guys. And I feel fancy despite the fact that I might have cereal for every meal today. The sprinkles make my floor feel fancy too. I bet that I dropped as many sprinkles on the floor as landed on the frosting. So, cheers to the new year with cupcakes! Champagne…

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Dark Chocolate Sorbet

I doubted chocolate sorbet before I ever met it. I’m a total fool. I was afraid that since it has skim milk instead of cream it’d be icy and ridiculous. It turns out that it’s creamy and ridiculously good. It’s for the serious chocolate lover. It’s for me. I couldn’t wait to use my ice cream maker, so on Christmas, I put the bowl in the freezer and immediately looked through my cookbooks for a…

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Christmas 2010 – A Recap

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! We kept it real with the following traditions. We wore festive outfits and drank mimosas. We had a big tasty breakfast. This year we had chocolate chip pancakes topped with fresh whipped cream. (That’s my new big whisk down there!) I took a picture of Elliot through my chocolate-covered gingerbread men spatula. He thought that was pretty fun. We sipped mimosas all day while sitting on the…

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Chocolate Malt Marshmallows

I mailed these to my dad for Christmas. He loves chocolate malts and well, it’d be really hard to mail that tasty, frosty drink. I was nervous these would get weird in the mail. That they’d somehow form one huge monster marshmallow. My dad said they froze a bit. So they were cool dudes and not wiggly weirdos. Whew! Dads like this kind of thing. Especially when you draw a malt on the box and…

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Gingerbread Penguins

Jake loves penguins. I love Jake. These cookies were a no-brainer, really. This dough is delicious. I had to try it, right? I had to test to make sure I didn’t forget a key ingredient like molasses, Christmas cheer, or love. These gain the freshman 15 in the oven. It’s adorable, really. Mostly, I love how these are chewy. They aren’t a crunchy boring cookie. They have personality. They are penguin gentlemen of the tasty…

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