
Peanut Butter Tart {No Bake}

My dad’s birthday was last Thursday. I called him that Friday morning. I’m hoping he considered my “Happy Birthday” fashionably late. (If I could have fit the word “fashionably” on this tart I would have.) I still feel pretty bad, but the truth is my dad’s not even mad. Would a mad dad change the lightbulbs in the kitchen to be bright enough for nighttime photos? Would a mad dad fix the burner on the…

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Vanilla Bean Mini Donuts

Yesterday, I baked some mini donuts. They turned out teeny, pink, vanilla bean-freckled and chocolate squiggly. They are as tasty as they are cute. I just want to make every sort of baked donut that exists now. I want to top cupcakes and cakes with them. I want to wear one as a pinky ring. I want to put them in my pocket. I want give them hugs. I want to dunk them in tiny…

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Best Cocoa Brownies

White chocolate is like a fancy cocktail dress for brownies. So, if you have some around, just sprinkle it on these guys and they’ll feel like hotties. I learned that I can muster brownie patience! After letting these guys cool a bit, I put them in the fridge for maximum chilling. After all that, they sliced like a dream. I cut them in rectangles because that’s what Thomas Keller does with his brownies in Ad…

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Pumpkin Waffles

Some days are just no fun. Some days are filled with achey feet because you wore your new favorite shoes to the grocery store when they should’ve been saved for real goin’ out type things. And then sometimes headphones get dunked in tea on accident when they sure don’t know how to swim. And sometimes when you forget socks to wear during step aerobics, it’s time to stop everything. Just stop everything, and make some…

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Funfetti Cupcakes + Pink Marshmallow Frosting

Jake’s birthday was Friday! These guys, made Saturday, were fashionably late. Wouldn’t you agree that the combo of funfetti with pink frosting just screams birthday? Basically these are a birthday party for your mouth. (In a fun way, not a creepy way.) Rainbow sprinkles are the prettiest. And somehow they get even prettier baked in white cake! This cake is white because there aren’t any egg yolks in it to turn it into yellow cake.…

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Hamburger Mini Cupcakes

What do you make a burger-loving lady for her birthday? Hamburger Mini Cupcakes, of course! Isn’t it kinda crazy how the chocolate cupcake part really looks like a burger? Is it weird that after I made these I kinda wanted a real burger? Mostly though, these guys are tasty pranksters. P.S. I’m really loving having big windows now, but the truth is I’m still figuring out the lighting situation. I made these after work Wednesday,…

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Vegan Zucchini Cake

I’ve been busy lately. Busy hanging up jackets and coats. I’ve even gone to Target wearing yoga pants. Stacey London would’ve totally judged me. But what am I supposed to do? I go from cleaning to buying shower curtain liners to painting. I just can’t change into a prom dress for Target. It’s too toasty for that. So this is the first baked good to come out of the new kitchen. It dirtied just the…

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Let’s do breakfast.

Breakfast is my favorite and you guys are my favorite. Win win. Chocolate Chip Pancakes are the cookie of pancakes. Chocolate for breakfast? Everybody wins. This English Muffin Bread is quick. It makes using yeast feel like a breeze, and when this stuff is toasted you’ll want to marry it. I love Cinnamon Rolls so much that I bake them in heart-shaped pans. Homemade Bagels put store-bought bagels to shame. You’ll want to eat these for breakfast, lunch…

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Fall + Snack Attack

Yay! It’s fall! And it just so happens that I made this Crumb Apple Pie last night. I didn’t really bake it for a fall celebration as much as a thanks-for-helping-us-move-pie. But the first apple pie of the season is always a special one, wouldn’t you agree? Now for snack attack chit chat. Do you know what I’ve been snacking on lately? It’s a combo that my friend Dana told me about: Greek yogurt + honey…

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