
Cinnamon Blondies

Sometimes I tell my niece things like, “I’m growing my hair so long because I want to be a mermaid when I grow up” or “I want to be as pretty as YOU when I grow up”. She tells me that I’m already grown up. I ate one of these before dinner. I couldn’t resist. I guess being a grown up is ok sometimes. These are spicy with nutmeg and cinnamon and dreamy like a…

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Brown Sugar Bundt Cake

The other night I woke up mad from a post-work nap because the pizza dough I took out of the freezer was still frozen. After a hunger-induced breakdown, Jake made me the grilled cheese of my dreams and I was back to my normal wanting-to-make-a-cake self. So here you go! A pretty cake that you probably have all the ingredients for already! So the middle got stuck to the pan a little bit… soley because…

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Coconut Scones

I’m pretty strong. Once I broke an ice tray in half just trying to loosen the ice cubes. That might be the only example I can think of as far as physical strength… but I had to have really strong self control not to eat all these scones while they were still warm. The crunch of the coconut with the melty chocolatey goodness just about did me in. Do you ever think of coconut and pair…

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Banket {Almond Roll}

I’m a bit Dutch. That directly relates to me choosing the Netherlands for my 6th grade project. We could choose any country. My mom made Banket for me to set out for people to taste what the Dutch are all about. So there you go. We only got this on special occasions in my family. We tried to keep it real. A rich almond center + a flakey crust = a dreamy almond-y pastry. What…

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Mrs. Fields Cookies {My Favorite}

So these cookies are called Mrs. Fields cookies, but my mom refers to them as Megan’s Cookies. These are my most favorite and I hadn’t made them until now because I didn’t have a blender for the oatmeal! Ok… I’ve had a blender since last summer, so what’s my problem? Well, one of my friends is having a birthday today and he love love loves oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. So there you go. I made him…

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Lemon Rosemary Shortbread

Rosemary in a cookie is equivalent to a cookie in a party dress. It’s just how it is. The shrubs outside my windows look like rosemary. One of them is growing wider and trying to block my front door. It might be happening right now. Maybe if it was rosemary I wouldn’t feel as though I’m being bullied by a shrub. When I baked the first cookie sheet’s worth of these guys, I put the…

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Roasted Banana Cupcakes with Honey-Cinnamon Frosting

I saw a guy eating nachos over the weekend. Then I saw that same guy dunking tortilla chips in ketchup instead of nacho cheese. Ketchup people? That’s just gross. These cupcakes, on the other hand, are the opposite of gross. Even people who think bananas are gross, love these. At least one lovely banana-hater that I know, sure loved her cupcake despite the whole banana-hating thing. So it turns out the art director I’ve been…

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Brioche {a first attempt}

If brioche was your date you’d better show up at it’s house with flowers. You’d totally have to open the door for it always, and it would probably go to the bathroom when the bill arrived to make it clear you are the one to pay. This dough is a bit high maintenance; definitely more of a weekend bread. I had a date on Friday with some brioche dough. Yeah, yeah. The top got too…

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Cinnamon Rolls

There is love in the world. Real, sincere “all I need is love” love. And that’s why I love Valentine’s Day best, and it’s why I made these cinnamon rolls in heart shaped cake pans and it’s why I will proudly wear my new heart shaped sunglasses [Thanks Jacob!]. And it’s probably got something to do with the 3 teeny hearts on the inside of my wrist. There’s no big meaning to that tattoo, but…

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