
Cream Wafers

My baking frenzy + a sale at Target resulted in me buying six bags of chocolate chips. Only to realize that none of my Christmas cookie recipes that I have in mind require chocolate chips. The moral of the story is that, it’s impossible to have too much of a good thing. Which brings me to these cream wafers. It’s completely impossible to have too many of these bite-size morsels. I’m already considering making them…

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Chocolate Crinkles

These cookies pull off these wrinkly outfits in such an effortless way, you might be tempted to stop folding your clothes all together. You’ll probably start rolling up shirts and tossing them in a pile on your floor and get rid of your dresser, just to be as hip and crinkly as these cookies. I wouldn’t blame you a bit. They look good, and they didn’t even try that hard. These guys are so chocolatey…

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Savory Sweet

Potato Rolls

I ate two of these for breakfast today. When it comes down to it, I’d pick these rolls over just about anything. And if I end up to be the lucky one at a dinner party to snag that middle roll, I’ll do it. I can’t resist. You may remember this recipe from when I used this multi-talented dough to make 2 loaves of bread back in July. This might not be the end of…

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Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with Maple Cream Cheese Filling

Did you know that maple syrup and cream cheese frosting are officially dating? There are actually rumors about an engagement ring being purchased by a tall dark and handsome bottle of Michigan maple syrup. When I tasted the filling for these guys I wondered why I’ve never used maple syrup in cream cheese frosting before. Considering they go together in a magically delicious way that can only be described as true love. This is my…

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Savory Sweet

Blondies + my Elliot cookie cutter

Yesterday I made pumpkin blondies and they kinda never seemed cooked. They are moosh squoosh, but still kinda good somehow because of the whole chemistry between pumpkin and chocolate. They were disappointing though based on the whole squishy thing. Last summer I made blondie cupcakes. They were hollow somehow. Hollow. I don’t know how they did it, but they were weird and I’m still kinda mad at them. Blondies and I are through for now. We…

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French Silk Pie

Please Note: I’ve made this again! Click HERE for the new post. When I had a small birthday party as a kid, I opted for mini French Silk Pies instead of cake for my friends. It’s that good. This is the kind of pie that makes you say: “Cake shmake. Give me another piece of that chocolate pie.” This is one of our THREE desserts this Thanksgiving. Everyone finished every crumb. French Silk Pie Recipe from my lovely…

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Honey Graham Pound Cakes with Chocolate Marshmallow Frosting

Last year my Thanksgiving contribution was to drive a smooshed pumpkin roll six hours to my sister’s house. Not this year though. Because this time tomorrow I’ll be in Minnesota hanging out with my parents. My mom and I will be going over the Thanksgiving dinner menu and Wednesday will consist of cooking and prepping. I decided to channel my excitement for Thursday by making these delicious s’more’eque pound cakes. S’mores are on my mind…

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Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

Growing up my mom would make a coffee cake on the weekend regularly, so breakfast is pretty important to me. And since it’s fall, these guys are the perfect Saturday starter. Why not have something amazingly pumpkin as your main course? You’ll be full after these for sure, and I know that you have a can of pumpkin in your fridge left over from making a couple batches of Pumpkin Spice Granola that you need…

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Savory Sweet

Country White Bread

I really miss the Freaky Friday, Lindsay Lohan days. I really miss those worn to death purple suede ankle boots I had to throw out at the end of last winter. And I know for sure I’ll miss this bread as soon as it’s gone. Gone are the years of coming home from school to fresh bread topped with melty butter. But at least I can make it at home and eventually I’ll make memories…

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Crumb Apple Pie

Mix up and refrigerate the pie crust. Run to the store and get more butter. Maybe get some heavy whip for vanilla whipped cream. Maybe the sales associates will assume you’re a very unhealthy person. Maybe they think you’re weird for getting giant bacon dog treats along with the fatty goodness. For sure you get home and finish the making home made pie and the joke’s on them. Don’t forget to “cheers!” your first bite.…

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