
Sour Cherry Fro-Yo Ice Pops

I’m really excited about these. Almost as excited as I was on Friday when I won 100 tickets at the arcade. Almost as excited as when I won a Hip Hop Banana stuffed toy thing-y from that claw game that it’s impossible to win at. Way more excited than the personality test that said I as both jealous and uncontrollable. (Rude!) And I guess, pretty much on par with the excitement I feel towards trading…

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Jeni’s Splendid Shortcake

What day is it? I mean, I made these shortie cakes for the 4th of July to be eaten near a pool with a bikini on. (It happened.) Next thing I know it’s a week later, and I’ve been spending my week sleeping, eating popsicles, forgetting dinner, baking cookies, sleeping some more, and over explaining giant lunch-wiches. I guess sometimes summer just clobbers you, ya know? I’m probably not making a ton of sense. I blame it…

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Vanilla Bean Funfetti Cake

I just don’t know what to say these days! Ask me where to get lunch and I feel like I have no idea what people eat. (Fajitas!?) Ask me what I had for dinner and I might’ve forgotten to eat and will have to get emergency fro-yo after yoga. Ask me where I’m headed on a walk, and I don’t know, but Elliot does. (I let him choose the way, always.) But ask me what…

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Mocha Ice Pops

I tried to do laundry on Tuesday, but I ate sliders and listened to records instead. I tried to help Elliot not hear fireworks by blaring music, but he couldn’t ignore them no matter how loudly I blared Otis Redding’s romance tunes. I tried out a new dance move in front of the mirror, but it looked way cooler in my head, and now I think I should probably keep dancing to myself, in my…

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I went to San Francisco! (Again!)

You guys! I went to San Francisco earlier this month to hang with my BFF and work a few days in the SF-based office for the agency I work at. (Is that sentence weird?! You get the idea, right?) Basically, I figured that I’d do a long vacation with a few workdays mixed up in there.  I was pretty excited to get a direct flight landing me there just in time for brunch. We went to…

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Strawberry Sconecake + a Driscoll’s Berry Giveaway

– Contest Closed – My favorite summer-time memory, growing up, was when my mom would make strawberry shortcake for dinner. She would make it cake-style. She’d bake up a giant round biscuit and slice it down the center. She’d fill it with juicy strawberries and whipped cream. We’d each get a giant slice served up in a bowl for dinner! This might be a giant reason why I love this dessert so much, ya know?…

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Cinnamon Spice T-rex Cookies

Sometimes I get the coolest vintage cookie cutters around the same time I’m introduced to T-Rex. So this totally turned into the perfect time to transform dinosaur cookie cutters into song references, ya know? Talk bubbles, dinosaurs, and flowers. No big deal. I should’ve been listening to T-Rex sooner, but ya know, we can’t live life by what we should’ve done. Like yesterday I took two of the wrong trains to get back to my friends’ house. (I’m visiting…

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One Big Cookie

We get to have two Sundays this weekend! I think it’s great! I plan on wearing overall shorts, sitting in the sun, and drinking Moscow Mules. I might watch the Twin Peaks movie, or take a nap, or eat pizza, or go to a concert. I’m going to let the day surprise me. And I’m glad that I have some of this giant cookie left on a day like this! You see I whipped up…

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Cinnamini Rolls

You guys. I totally took cooler pictures of these and then deleted them off my camera like a real amateur. BUT let me tell you about them. I’ll paint word pictures. So for these guys, I simply halved my mom’s cinnamon roll recipe. And then I divided that dough in half again to make 2 dozen mini cinnamon rolls (a dozen for each half). I’m just going to say that I couldn’t have done that…

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Roasted Strawberry Ice Pops

The other day I popped into the zombie grocery store (if you went there you’d totally understand) and bought 2 lbs of strawberries because they were somehow $4? And (real talk) I’ve been the worst at letting fruit go bad lately. Herbs get wrankled and black in my tundra-fridge and I’ve been losing cheese in the back and forgetting about heavy cream. So, I had to get my life together and use up these berries…

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